
Cornhole Rules

Before you play

Boules is played by 2 to 8 players. The game is typically played by up to 4 single players, or in teams of 2. The game consists of 8 metal balls, where 2 balls have the same markings on, and one smaller ball known as the jack! Each player or team will play with the two metal balls that have the same markings on. To start the game, the jack is thrown by a random player anywhere within the playing field. Each player will then through one metal ball to place it as close to the jack as possible. Once all the players have had one turn, the players will through their second ball. If you hit another player’s ball, the final position of the balls will be taken. The ball will not be replaced. The winner, or winning team, starts the next round by throwing the jack and the first metal ball.

How to play

One member of each team stands behind the foul line at each board and faces their teammate. The two players (one from each team) will alternate in throwing the bags onto the board facing them, until all 4 bags are thrown.

After the round, the bags are collected and thrown by the remaining players in the opposite direction. This will be repeated until one team wins!


For each bag going through the hole, 3 points will be awarded to that team. For each bag that is on the board at the end of the round, 1 point will be awarded to that team. If your bag is knocked off the board by either your own or your opponent’s throw, it will not count. 0 points will be awarded to bags not on the board.

The first team to reach 21 points is the winner! It must be 21 exactly, going over will have you bust and sit out the round. Your team will then restart the next round from the score you had at the end of the previous round. The round that is being played when a team reach 21 points must be completed. This means that bags can still be knocked off the board!